X.ai and xai.com domain names, which is better?

X.ai and xai.com domain names, which is better?

Both the 'x.ai' and 'xai.com' domains are excellent choices. One is a single-letter 'ai' domain, and the other is a rare three-letter '.com' domain. Those with the means can consider acquiring both. For example, OpenAI uses 'openai.com,'

Industry Information 17 Oct 2023 11:29:03 AM

Four letters .com domain name value soared! Latest transaction list

Four letters .com domain name value soared! Latest transaction list

Three-letter (LLL.com) and four-letter (LLLL.com) domains are highly valuable in the domain market due to their short, memorable, and rare nature. They are not only suitable for investment but can also be used for personal projects.

Industry Information 13 Oct 2023 05:32:51 PM

A Canadian cryptocurrency platform costs Bitcoin.ca!

A Canadian cryptocurrency platform costs Bitcoin.ca!

Bitcoin domain name trading holds great promise. Domain names can be utilized for businesses and services related to Bitcoin, while also being seen as investment opportunities. In the future,

Industry Information 13 Oct 2023 01:26:29 PM

The domain name king sells another domain name,and profit is 10 million US dollars!

The domain name king sells another domain name,and profit is 10 million US dollars!

Rick Schwartz said, "Just this past Friday, they told me the final closing number is $6.8 million. An hour later, I received another email. By the way, some funds will be held in escrow for 90 days.

Industry Information 12 Oct 2023 02:12:31 PM

Shocking! Another domain name of the word is acquired at high prices of the terminal!

Shocking! Another domain name of the word is acquired at high prices of the terminal!

Four-letter domain names are highly sought after due to their simplicity and memorability, making them exceptionally scarce. When businesses utilize them, they enhance brand recognizability.

Industry Information 12 Oct 2023 11:19:12 AM

Latest news! Mysterious buyer You.ai finally appeared!

Latest news! Mysterious buyer You.ai finally appeared!

The future outlook for investing in .AI domains is exceptionally bright as artificial intelligence (AI) has already become a fundamental technology across various global industries. .AI domains will continue to be highly sought

Industry Information 12 Oct 2023 10:17:02 AM

Heavy!A three letters .com domain names completed the transaction at $ 788,000!

Heavy!A three letters .com domain names completed the transaction at $ 788,000!

Currently, three-letter .com domains are becoming scarcer and their prices are increasing. The frequent high-value transactions of these domains also reflect the overall direction of the domain market.

Industry Information 11 Oct 2023 10:13:29 AM

blockbuster! You.ai domain name is sold for $ 700,000!

blockbuster! You.ai domain name is sold for $ 700,000!

Thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence in recent years, there has been a growing demand for AI-related domain names in the market, leading to a significant increase in the prices of .ai domain names.

Industry Information 11 Oct 2023 09:35:10 AM

Millions of dollars trading: luv.com was acquired by a high price of a blind date platform in India!

Millions of dollars trading: luv.com was acquired by a high price of a blind date platform in India!

Rick Schwartz's series of successful transactions once again demonstrate that domain investment is a field worth paying attention to, igniting the enthusiasm of domain investors and entrepreneurs. Domain investments in the future of the art

Industry Information 10 Oct 2023 04:21:58 PM

Internet has 356.6 million domains at the end of Q2 2023

Internet has 356.6 million domains at the end of Q2 2023

Total country-code TLD (ccTLD) domain name registrations were 137.0 million at the end of the second quarter of 2023, an increase of 1.1 million domain name registrations, or 0.8%, compared to the first quarter of 2023.ccTLDs increased

Industry Information 10 Oct 2023 09:48:36 AM