We found 17 articles related to "Jack"

Babista.com Domain Name Dispute Ruling Rejects Defendant's Reverse Domain Name Hijacking!

Babista.com Domain Name Dispute Ruling Rejects Defendant's Reverse Domain Name Hijacking!

In a dispute over the domain name Babista.com, the Complainant claimed rights to the trademark “BABISTA” and accused Respondent PTB Media Ltd of registering and using the domain name in bad faith. However, after reviewing the evidence,

Industry Information 22 Jul 2024 11:51:36 AM

GSF.com domain squatting dispute should be reverse domain hijacking

GSF.com domain squatting dispute should be reverse domain hijacking

Every day in the domaining world there are disputes about domains being taken, some domain suits get transferred unconditionally and some get dismissed. The owner deserves at least an explanation.

Industry Information 21 Jun 2024 10:37:43 AM

FlyCRW.com UDRP Case, Domain Name Hijacking Allegations Dismissed

FlyCRW.com UDRP Case, Domain Name Hijacking Allegations Dismissed

According to the arbitrator's decision, the FlyCRW.com domain name was registered in 2019, two years before the Airport Authority's application for the mark. Moreover, prior to that time, the Airport Authority had not shown evidence of

Industry Information 23 Apr 2024 05:33:53 PM

Reverse domain hijacking cases hit record high in 2023

Reverse domain hijacking cases hit record high in 2023

The percentage of UDRP rejections and findings of reverse domain name hijacking by WIPO and forums. The chart was provided by John Berryhill. The number of domain name hijacking cases filed under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute

Industry Information 30 Jan 2024 02:59:27 PM

After 7.io sold, 0.io sold for $125,000,000!

After 7.io sold, 0.io sold for $125,000,000!

In the past few days, a well-known foreign domain investment guru @domain has hit the jackpot! Within one week, he consecutively sold two .io domain names, and both of them are single characters. From his tweets,

Industry Information 22 Jan 2024 05:36:44 PM

Domain Name Outlook 2024 - DNJournal Talks to DN.com CEO JACK

Domain Name Outlook 2024 - DNJournal Talks to DN.com CEO JACK

Jack is the name recently adopted by Yue Dai after extending his interests to the entire Western world. He is one of China's most successful domain investors/developers, renowned for his 2-letter .com domain combinations,

Industry Information 18 Jan 2024 02:01:11 PM

A Critical Year for DN.com in 2023, A Look Back at the Four Domain Name Summits Participated in

A Critical Year for DN.com in 2023, A Look Back at the Four Domain Name Summits Participated in

DN.com's CEO, JACK, has been acclaimed as the "Buffett of China" for his outstanding visionary investments. These four summits have provided him with the opportunity to establish connections with numerous friends in the global domain

Industry Information 26 Dec 2023 03:25:00 PM

Indian dating site tries reverse domain hijacking

Indian dating site tries reverse domain hijacking

Recently, according to reports from foreign media: an Indian matrimonial website has been discovered attempting reverse domain hijacking of the domain jodii.com, which is owned by the competitor Matrimony.com. The complainant in this

Industry Information 09 Dec 2023 01:12:28 PM

What is domain squatting and brand hijacking?

What is domain squatting and brand hijacking?

"Cybersquatting" and "brand hijacking" are two Internet-based threats that pose unique dangers to businesses and end-users alike. They leave users vulnerable to cybersecurity threats and can also lead to brand or trademark damage,

Investment 17 Nov 2023 05:36:14 PM

In-depth Interview: Exploring the History and Development of the Domain Industry in Conversation with the Founder of DN Magazine

In-depth Interview: Exploring the History and Development of the Domain Industry in Conversation with the Founder of DN Magazine

Ron Jackson, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of DNJournal, has earned a prominent reputation in the domain name industry for his insights and expertise. Recently, an international platform had the honour to interview this senior expert in the

Industry Information 16 Nov 2023 04:36:45 PM