3 Domain Deals - PGSlot999.com Sells for up to $52,000!

3 Domain Deals - PGSlot999.com Sells for up to $52,000!

The domain PGSlot999.com was sold for $52,000, approximately RMB 374,000. PGSlot999 is a combination of letters and numbers, where "PG" abbreviates Proctor & Gamble and also signifies a playground. Meanwhile, "Slot" encompasses meanings

Industry Information 20 Jan 2024 05:20:16 PM

Single Character 7.io Successfully Sold for $150,000

Single Character 7.io Successfully Sold for $150,000

James Booth reported this morning on Twitter the sale of a .IO domain worth $150,000. According to reports, James successfully sold 7.io for $150,000 through Squadhelp. The Whois record for 7.io has been updated,

Industry Information 20 Jan 2024 11:27:44 AM

The top 100 registered domain names on the internet that you wouldn't expect!

The top 100 registered domain names on the internet that you wouldn't expect!

Domain industry professionals pay particular attention to the registration time and meaning of domain names because it directly affects the valuation and return on investment of domain investments. Do you know which were the earliest

knowledge 19 Jan 2024 04:25:43 PM

Analog.io domain name sold to Abu Dhabi for $60,000

Analog.io domain name sold to Abu Dhabi for $60,000

Someone spent $60,000 "in cash" on a whim to acquire the Analog.io domain, and the seller woke up to find the transaction completed, with little negotiation taking place. The domain has been successfully acquired by Abu Dhabi entrepreneur

Industry Information 19 Jan 2024 11:47:38 AM

Domain Name Outlook 2024 - DNJournal Talks to DN.com CEO JACK

Domain Name Outlook 2024 - DNJournal Talks to DN.com CEO JACK

Jack is the name recently adopted by Yue Dai after extending his interests to the entire Western world. He is one of China's most successful domain investors/developers, renowned for his 2-letter .com domain combinations,

Industry Information 18 Jan 2024 02:01:11 PM

Amazing growth of .ai domains in 2023! 20,000 registrations per month!

Amazing growth of .ai domains in 2023! 20,000 registrations per month!

According to official registration data, the total number of .ai domains has reached 353,928, with over 100,000 domains registered in the second half of 2023. The figures show a rapid growth trend, with an 84.73% increase in the past

Industry Information 18 Jan 2024 11:55:56 AM

Why should a company register more than one domain name and trade mark? What are the pros and cons?

Why should a company register more than one domain name and trade mark? What are the pros and cons?

In the domain investment field, having a basic understanding of trademarks is crucial. Many individuals, not being legal professionals, have conducted research by tracking UDRP filings and various domain-related litigations.

knowledge 17 Jan 2024 04:43:15 PM

Coin wins had bought binance.ae for $300,000 in domain name dispute

Coin wins had bought binance.ae for $300,000 in domain name dispute

As a domain investor, it is crucial to have some understanding of legal concepts, especially intellectual property and trademark rights. Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has successfully claimed ownership

Industry Information 17 Jan 2024 11:48:58 AM

Web 3.0 and .AI domain names, the WEB 3.0 era is about to begin!

Web 3.0 and .AI domain names, the WEB 3.0 era is about to begin!

The integration of Web3.0 and .AI domains signals the digital era's move towards a more intelligent and decentralized future. This trend will profoundly impact various fields, including digital identity,

Industry Information 16 Jan 2024 03:24:40 PM

Domain Transaction Volume: Selected Deals Above 100,000 RMB, with the Highest at 260,000 RMB!

Domain Transaction Volume: Selected Deals Above 100,000 RMB, with the Highest at 260,000 RMB!

According to foreign media reports, domain prices in January generally ranged from $10,000 to $50,000 USD. As the year-end approached, the transaction amounts and volumes were slightly smaller. This article compiles information on three

Industry Information 16 Jan 2024 01:59:33 PM