Excellent webmaster tells you how to register domain name from the perspective of SEO

knowledge 16 Sep 2023 02:08:12 PM By:DN platform editor

As is well known, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. Registering domain names and website optimization may seem unrelated, but in reality, their relationship is very close.

As is well known, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. Registering domain names and website optimization may seem unrelated, but in reality, their relationship is very close. If domain names and hosting are considered the foundation, the success of optimization largely depends on the quality of the website's foundation. It can be said without exaggeration that a good domain name can make your website optimization efforts much more efficient. Since the advent of intelligent search engines, website optimization has become increasingly challenging. To maximize optimization results, some experienced webmasters pay a lot of attention to choosing the right domain name. Why is this so? Because many people understand that search engines naturally favor certain domain names. Let me explain how this favoritism works.

Excellent webmaster tells you how to register domain name from the perspective of SEO

1. Search engines prefer "mainstream" domain names.

While many people prefer things that are "non-mainstream," there is no doubt that mainstream choices always lead the way, and domain names are no exception. In the Chinese domain name market, .com, .cn, and .CN domain names are always considered mainstream. Most webmasters tend to use these types of domain names when creating websites, and over time, search engines also tend to favor them when crawling new websites. In comparison, domains with other extensions may have a shorter "sandbox period." If your website doesn't have significant authority, it's advisable to choose mainstream domain names when registering, as even big companies like Tencent have faced challenges from Chinese search engines for non-mainstream domain choices.

Excellent webmaster tells you how to register domain name from the perspective of SEO

2. Search engines prefer shorter domain names.

Short domain names are not only favored by search engines but also by internet users. Short domain names are easier to remember and type compared to longer ones. After all, search engines mimic human browsing habits when crawling web pages, so what most internet users prefer, search engines tend to favor as well. "Short" doesn't necessarily refer to the number of characters; memorability and ease of spelling are crucial. Examples like "qq.com," "baidu.com," and "1688.com" are all considered good choices.

Excellent webmaster tells you how to register domain name from the perspective of SEO

3. Search engines have a preference for "pinyin domain names."

Pinyin domain names align with Chinese spelling conventions and are more favored by Chinese users. Compared to random letter combinations, easily pronounceable pinyin domain names are better received, and they often give users a hint about the website's nature. This is why, when ranking websites, Baidu tends to rank pinyin-based websites much higher than similar websites with different domain types. Domain registration experts suggest using pinyin domain names related to your website's industry when possible. Examples include "maoyi.cn" for a trade website and "fang.com" for a real estate website.

Many webmasters may question the importance of domain names in website construction as website navigation and search engines become increasingly integrated into people's lives. If too much emphasis is placed on domain names in website development, isn't it making a mountain out of a molehill? I believe not. Website optimization is a meticulous task, and often, paying attention to details can boost your website's rankings. While the functionality of website URLs is diminishing, the role of domain names in search engine rankings is still significant and should not be underestimated.

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Excellent webmaster tells you how to register domain name from the perspective of SEO