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Why do companies unify trademarks,business names and domain names?

Why do companies unify trademarks,business names and domain names?

In today's competitive business environment, corporate logos and brand image are critical to success. In order to ensure the consistency and stability of the brand, many companies choose unified trademarks,

knowledge 26 Sep 2023 11:56:22 AM

Good domain names have been registered, how to choose the right domain name?

Good domain names have been registered, how to choose the right domain name?

A domain name serves as a website's address, making it the first impression people have when they enter the online world. Users associate your domain name with the type of website it represents, its prominent theme,

Industry Information 26 Sep 2023 11:56:19 AM

What are the financial problems in domain name investment?

What are the financial problems in domain name investment?

Since the birth of the internet over 30 years ago, domain name registration initially stemmed from applications, interests, and collections. Nowadays, it primarily revolves around pure investment considerations.

Investment 26 Sep 2023 11:56:14 AM

What do you think of investment domain names? Here are 7 points to pay attention

What do you think of investment domain names? Here are 7 points to pay attention

The stock market is currently unpredictable, and Bitcoin's future is uncertain. At the end of 2015, a new investment field began to draw increasing attention, and that is domain names. Recently, news about individuals making millions

Investment 25 Sep 2023 05:49:24 PM

How to prevent the domain name from being hijacked?What should I do after the domain name is hijacked?

How to prevent the domain name from being hijacked?What should I do after the domain name is hijacked?

On May 14, 2014, Forward Network's official Weibo account issued an announcement, revealing that their domain had been stolen, resulting in losses of over a hundred million yuan. In today's world, rife with hackers,

knowledge 25 Sep 2023 05:49:21 PM

Heavy! Another two letters EM.com domain names were acquired by giant companies

Heavy! Another two letters EM.com domain names were acquired by giant companies

Not long ago, the domain name critic George Kirikos broke out a shocking news on Twitter. The boutique two letters EM.com seemed easy. The buyer is not the Exxon Mobil, but the United States Enterprise, one of the three major car rental com

Industry Information 25 Sep 2023 05:49:15 PM

Nine techniques for domain name investment are indispensable

Nine techniques for domain name investment are indispensable

Experienced domain investors, some of whom have transitioned to other fields while others continue, have compiled these 9 pieces of advice based on their years of investment experience. Let's see if these words of wisdom resonate.

Investment 23 Sep 2023 03:37:25 PM

Does the domain name suffix and age affect the website SEO optimization?

Does the domain name suffix and age affect the website SEO optimization?

Speaking of domain names is not unfamiliar, especially when companies want to "flex their muscles" on the Internet, domain names are indispensable. All website content and traffic are associated with specific domain names,

knowledge 23 Sep 2023 03:37:18 PM

The domain name is the face of the website! Investment domain name mentality is important!

The domain name is the face of the website! Investment domain name mentality is important!

In today's era of rapid economic development, people's investment concepts are becoming stronger, their investment horizons are expanding, and their investment choices are diverse.

Investment 23 Sep 2023 03:37:12 PM

Xiao Lanjun acquired brand domain names to increase marketing efforts

Xiao Lanjun acquired brand domain names to increase marketing efforts

On September 20th, Shenzhen Xiaolanjun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xiaolanjun) announced the successful acquisition of the Pinyin domain name xiaolanjun.cn!

Industry Information 22 Sep 2023 03:26:38 PM