British TV gets a brand refresh with the single letter

British TV gets a brand refresh with the single letter

UKTV, a company that operates a number of basic cable television stations in the United Kingdom, has changed its name to U and is currently using as its primary target is the country top-level domain (ccTLD) for the

Industry Information 18 Jul 2024 04:26:54 PM

Escrow Platform's Q2 Domain Sales Hit $90 Million, Up 7% YoY

Escrow Platform's Q2 Domain Sales Hit $90 Million, Up 7% YoY facilitated domain name sales totaling $90 million in 2Q24. This represents a 7% increase over the $84 million in domain name sales totaled in the first quarter of FY24.In terms of trends for the quarter, the value of .ai domain

Industry Information 18 Jul 2024 10:24:33 AM

Dumb and Dumber, and are just one word apart!

Dumb and Dumber, and are just one word apart!

When you see the domain name “” for the first time, you may be surprised to think that it is the well-known domain name trading platform “”. However, upon closer comparison, you will find a subtle difference between

Industry Information 17 Jul 2024 03:00:20 PM

Tesla Candy Trademark Application Snapped Up by Suspicious Domain Name Investor

Tesla Candy Trademark Application Snapped Up by Suspicious Domain Name Investor

Tesla Inc. is an electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer and a company founded by Elon Musk that operates under the domain name, which the company acquired for millions of dollars.

Industry Information 17 Jul 2024 10:08:28 AM

Long-word domain name trading highlights market potential

Long-word domain name trading highlights market potential

Recently, several transactions of long word domain names have been sold at prices that have raised concerns in the market. In a market that is usually dominated by short-word domain names, these relatively long domain name deals have

Industry Information 16 Jul 2024 10:24:11 AM

Domain name registrar sues web3 metaverse over a name

Domain name registrar sues web3 metaverse over a name

Recently, foreign media reported a legal dispute involving two companies over the name "Earth". Website, Inc., which operates the ICANN-accredited domain name registrar DotEarth, has filed a lawsuit against a web3 company called Dot Earth

Industry Information 15 Jul 2024 10:54:40 AM UDRP Case Wins in Favor of Well-Known Trademark Holder UDRP Case Wins in Favor of Well-Known Trademark Holder

In the recent Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) case of Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG v. jan jilek, Sennheiser, a German audio products company, won a challenge to the registration of the Respondent's domain name

Industry Information 13 Jul 2024 02:02:13 PM

2024Q1:362.4 million registrations for all top-level domains, up 2.5 million from the beginning of the year!

2024Q1:362.4 million registrations for all top-level domains, up 2.5 million from the beginning of the year!

According to the latest edition of Verisign's Domain Name Industry Briefing, the domain name industry returned to growth in a seasonally strong first quarter, despite the continued downturn in .com domains.

Industry Information 13 Jul 2024 10:32:31 AM acquired by AMD; will be acquired later? acquired by AMD; will be acquired later?

Recently, according to foreign media broke the news: computer chip manufacturing giant AMD acquired Finnish artificial intelligence startup Silo for $665 million.SiloAI CEO and co-founder Peter Sarlin will continue to lead the SiloAI

Industry Information 12 Jul 2024 02:43:23 PM

Top domain name deals of the last two weeks are out, tops with $250,000

Top domain name deals of the last two weeks are out, tops with $250,000

Summer has arrived and business is starting to slow down in many industries, and so is domain trading. The last two weeks have been slightly lower than previous times as seen through the data. Although the number of reported sales

Industry Information 12 Jul 2024 11:43:32 AM