Take stock of the digital domain names used by well-known Chinese companies!

Industry Information 01 Sep 2023 04:11:18 PM By:DN platform editor

Recently, the digital domain 88867.com was successfully sold for $21,000 (approximately 150,000 Chinese Yuan). Digital domains are often chosen by many businesses due to their simplicity and ease of recall. Are you familiar with any well-kn

Recently, the digital domain 88867.com was successfully sold for $21,000 (approximately 150,000 Chinese Yuan). Digital domains are often chosen by many businesses due to their simplicity and ease of recall. Are you familiar with any well-known companies that use digital domains? Let's take a look at some examples (in numerical order):

Take stock of the digital domain names used by well-known Chinese companies!

1. 17.com - Automotive

A domain in the automotive sector, "17.com" phonetically resembles "Yi Qi" (一汽) in Chinese, making it relevant to the automotive industry. It serves as a website for automotive sales, information, and services, providing details on car brands, models, prices, and automotive news.

2. 51.com - Gaming

This domain is associated with the gaming industry and serves as a platform or community focused on online gaming. It offers various types of games, game reviews, guides, and a platform for gamers to interact.

3. 56.com - Video

In the video domain, "56.com" is a platform for video sharing and content. Users can watch various types of videos, including movies, TV shows, music videos, and short clips, offering a quick and efficient video browsing and sharing experience.

4. 58.com - 58 Tongcheng

This domain belongs to the well-known Chinese classifieds website 58 Tongcheng. It's a comprehensive platform for local life services, allowing users to post and browse listings for housing, second-hand items, job opportunities, and various other services.

5. 88.com - Perfect Mail

"88.com" is associated with Perfect Mail, a platform offering email services. Users can register and use email addresses ending with "88.com" to send and receive emails. The number "88" symbolizes wealth and good luck in Chinese culture, aligning with the brand image of Perfect Mail.

6. 126.com - NetEase Mail

This domain is part of NetEase, a well-known Chinese internet company. It offers email services with addresses ending in "126.com," providing stable and convenient email services that are popular among Chinese internet users.

7. 163.com - NetEase

"163.com" is associated with NetEase, a leading Chinese internet technology company. It offers free email, gaming, and search engine services, as well as over 30 content channels covering news, entertainment, sports, and interactive features like blogs, videos, and forums.

8. 360.com - 360 Total Security

This domain belongs to 360 Total Security, a renowned provider of internet security software and services. 360 Total Security offers computer security protection, online privacy safeguards, and virus scanning, helping users protect their personal computers and online security.

9. 10086.cn - China Mobile

"10086.cn" is owned by China Mobile Communications Group, one of China's largest mobile telecommunications operators. It serves as a portal for users to access information about their mobile accounts, plans, and billing.

10. 12306.cn - Train Ticket Platform

This domain is the official train ticket booking platform launched by the China National Railway Administration. Users can check train schedules, purchase tickets, and make changes or cancellations, providing convenient train travel services.

11. 1688.com - Alibaba

"1688.com" is part of Alibaba Group, operating as a B2B e-commerce platform. It connects global suppliers and buyers, facilitating transactions and collaborations for various products and services.

12. 2345.com - Website Navigation

This domain belongs to 2345 Website Navigation, a website that provides quick access to internet resources. Users can access commonly used websites, search engines, news, shopping, entertainment, and more, offering convenient online navigation services.

13. 4399.com - Casual Games

"4399.com" is associated with 4399 Casual Games, a well-known online gaming platform. It offers a variety of small-scale online games, including casual, puzzle, and role-playing games, providing users with a relaxed gaming experience.

14. 5118.com - Website Authority Check

This domain belongs to 5118 Website Authority Check, a platform that offers website authority and ranking analysis services. Website administrators can use 5118.com to assess their website's authority status, optimize their websites, and improve search engine rankings.

These are some well-known digital domains in China. Short and pure numeric domains hold higher commercial value due to their memorability and international appeal. There are many other companies on the internet using numeric domains, such as 22.com, 62.com, 35.com, and more.

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Take stock of the digital domain names used by well-known Chinese companies!