Top 10 .AI domain names account for 50 per cent of the total, once again leading the Top 20 charts

Industry Information 22 Feb 2024 11:58:38 AM By:DN platform editor

The domain ranking for the past half-month has been released (February 5-18), with .ai domains once again grabbing attention, occupying 5 out of the top 10 spots. Among them, closed at $250,000, ranking first. Here's a compilation

The boom in artificial intelligence continues to thrive, with revolutionary technologies continuing to drive significant sales of aftermarket domains. In the chart of the top 20 extensions by DN Magazine, the number of .ai domains has surpassed .com domains for the first time.

What's even more surprising is that .ai is actually the ccTLD (country code top-level domain) of the Caribbean island nation of Anguilla. Approximately 30 years ago (specifically in 1995), when the .ai extension was assigned to Anguilla, only a few science fiction enthusiasts could have predicted its remarkable transformation into today's globally popular and highly profitable top-level domain (TLD).

In the recently released domain ranking for the past half-month (February 5-18), .ai domains once again caught attention, occupying 5 positions in the top 10. Among them, was ranked first with a transaction of $250,000.

Here's a list of the top 20 domains ranked by DN Magazine, let's take a look together.

(Note: Foreign currencies converted to USD based on the exchange rate effective on February 21, 2024)

Top 10 .AI domain names account for 50 per cent of the total, once again leading the Top 20 charts

It's worth noting that out of the top 20, 9 are .ai domains, surpassing the number of .com domains, which stands at 7. The remaining domains belong to emerging top-level domains, such as .xyz, .in, and .life. Does this imply that .ai domains will surpass .com in the future? This is still an unknown, and we eagerly await to see.

Top 10 .AI domain names account for 50 per cent of the total, once again leading the Top 20 charts

Please remember, these are the highest value sales cases we've received in cash transactions over the past two weeks. This column is intended as a sharing tool, rather than a comprehensive list of all high-value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to compile as many sales transactions are conducted under conditions of confidentiality by the buyer, seller, or both parties. The procedures we follow to verify the accuracy of domain sales reports can be found here.


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Top 10 .AI domain names account for 50 per cent of the total, once again leading the Top 20 charts