Terminal Branding Upgrade! Plunge upgrades to Plunge.com for approximately $1.78 million

Industry Information 08 Dec 2023 11:23:23 AM By:DN domain name editor

According to foreign media reports, in April of this year, David Clements, CEO of Brannans, congratulated the founder of Cold Plunge on acquiring Plunge.com. The company had been using TheColdPlunge.com for its website,

According to foreign media reports, in April of this year, Brannans CEO David Clements congratulated the founder of Cold Plunge on acquiring Plunge.com. The company had been using TheColdPlunge.com for its website, and the acquisition of Plunge.com marks a fantastic domain upgrade.

Terminal Branding Upgrade! Plunge upgrades to Plunge.com for approximately $1.78 million

At the time of the domain upgrade announcement, the purchase price of Plunge.com was undisclosed. Thanks to the podcast "My First Million" (and also thanks to Braden Pollock for bringing it to my attention), we now know that the cost of acquiring Plunge.com was $250,000 (approximately 1.78 million RMB). Reportedly, the company purchased the domain from a jazz band in New Orleans.

Terminal Branding Upgrade! Plunge upgrades to Plunge.com for approximately $1.78 million

Registered in November 1995, Plunge.com has been around for 28 years. The website's focus is on personal sauna and bathing projects. The concept aligns perfectly with the foreign trend of ice bucket challenges, believed to promote blood circulation and increase resistance. The English word "Plunge" carries meanings of diving and immersion, making the domain and the project a perfect match.

The $250,000 sales amount for Plunge.com has been added to the recent single-word .com sales list on Embrace.com. Once Ron Jackson adds this transaction to the sales report on DNJournal, it will rank among the top 25 public sales so far this year.

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Terminal Branding Upgrade! Plunge upgrades to Plunge.com for approximately $1.78 million