Which companies have artificial intelligence.ai domain names?

Industry Information 20 Oct 2023 02:50:34 PM By:DN platform editor

Under Google: google.ai, g.ai, api.ai,Under Baidu: dueros.ai, kitt.ai, registered under the name of Baidu America by former employee Andrew Ng - deeplearning.ai, drive.ai. Unfortunately, baidu.ai is not currently under Baidu's ownership,

Every day, new .ai domain registrations are being added worldwide. Do you know which companies own their own artificial intelligence .ai domains? Here, we have compiled a list of well-known companies with .ai domains. These companies are at the forefront of the era, and we believe that prominent AI companies of the future will emerge from among these. Let's take a look!

Under Google: google.ai, g.ai, api.ai

Under Baidu: dueros.ai, kitt.ai, deeplearning.ai, registered under the name of Baidu America by former employee Andrew Ng, drive.ai. Unfortunately, baidu.ai is not currently owned by Baidu and is reportedly in the hands of a domain investor.

Facebook has registered wit.ai, which is currently in use primarily for AI research.

Which companies have artificial intelligence.ai domain names?

Amazon's harvest.ai

argo.ai, which secured a billion-dollar investment from Ford shortly after its establishment a few years ago.

Elon Musk's open.ai, X.ai

Microsoft's robot zo.ai, Microsoft.ai

Luka AI: Luka Picture Story Machine, designed for children's literature.

Which companies have artificial intelligence.ai domain names?

Lenovo's intelligent home Lenovo.ai

Jingdong.ai by JD.com: Currently not in use.

Huawei.ai by Huawei: Currently redirects to the official Huawei website.

According to statistics, 60% of .ai domains are already registered, with only 30% of related brand domains owned by companies. The majority are in the hands of domain investors. For these companies that might have a sudden desire to own a .ai domain one day, they will have to purchase them through domain brokers, and the prices may be higher in the future.

So, whether you plan to embark on an AI project in the future or not, it's wise to secure .ai domains now. Owning .ai domains before the full-fledged AI boom can be cost-effective.

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Which companies have artificial intelligence.ai domain names?