What is the .biz domain name?Value is not worth buying?

knowledge 20 Oct 2023 02:00:57 PM By:DN domain name editor

"Biz" is an abbreviation for the English word "business," bearing a striking resemblance to the familiar "com," which stands for "commercial." With its global applicability and its freedom from geographical and industry restrictions,

According to rough statistics, there are now more than 1700 types of domain suffixes in the world. Apart from common top-level domains like .com, .cn, and .net, there are many new top-level domains and country code domains. Among them, the .biz domain has become more prevalent in recent years, with "biz" representing the word "business." So, what are the uses of .biz, and is it worth buying? Let's delve into the details here.

What is the .biz domain name?Value is not worth buying?

1. What does the .biz domain mean in English?

.biz is an international top-level domain, and "biz" is an abbreviation for the English word "business," signifying the business domain. .biz is managed by a different organization than .com; it is overseen by NeuLevel Corporation, which is an exclusive operator under a contract with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

.biz is the world's first internet environment created specifically for business users. Apart from enhancing a company's online presence, the .biz database platform offers more efficient services, promoting the development of e-commerce. According to global domain statistics, as of July 9, 2016, there were 2.27 million registered .biz international domain names, ranking 20th among various domain types worldwide, making .biz one of the top six international domain names globally.

2. Is owning a .biz domain worth it?

The term "Biz" is an abbreviation for "business" in English, bearing a resemblance to the well-known "com" for "commercial." With its global universality and no geographical or industry restrictions, the .biz domain has rapidly become a popular choice for businesses since it opened for registration worldwide in 2001, with an impressive initial registration count of 32,197.

What is the .biz domain name?Value is not worth buying?

Owning a .biz domain is indeed worthwhile. When embarking on e-commerce, the choice of a web address is crucial. .biz domains are concise, clear, and easy to remember, serving as a globally applicable business domain. Using it can enhance brand credibility. Regardless of a company's location or its expansion into any corner of the world, .biz is the ideal choice for small and medium-sized enterprises to conduct e-commerce.

Additionally, to ensure that businesses and individuals can use .biz domains with confidence, its registry, Neustar, has established specific regulations. Any websites engaged in phishing attacks, domain hijacking, malicious software, or other severe security threats can be quickly shut down. We are also evaluating new regulations and policies to suspend domain names involved in a series of malicious registrations.

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What is the .biz domain name?Value is not worth buying?