Talk about the growth point of the domain name in the next three years?

Industry Information 19 Oct 2023 05:51:40 PM By:DN editor

The domain market is an ever-changing field, and future growth points may be influenced by technological trends, market demand, and policy changes. Therefore, successful domain investors and users need to closely monitor these changes to se

2023 may witness several growth points in the domain industry, including new top-level domains, country code domains (ccTLDs), and AI domains, which are making waves in the era of AI. Do you think AI will be the next big trend on the internet?

Some say, "AI is a deep application of information technology and is a trend, but not for the general public. The windfall for the general public lies in the deepening of AI application scenarios, which is beyond the reach of the common people."

Talk about the growth point of the domain name in the next three years?

Indeed, AI technology is beyond the reach of the average person, requiring massive initial investments. Compared to this, domain investments are relatively cost-effective. So, where might the growth points in the domain industry lie in the next three years?

1. .AI Domains

According to statistics from a foreign domain trading platform, in 2023, searches for .AI-related keywords have consistently ranked at the top. This indicates that countless people worldwide are closely following the AI industry. In strict terms, tech companies started working on AI many years ago, but they didn't accumulate a critical mass. AI's full-scale explosion is already on the way, making .AI domains much more sought after.

Talk about the growth point of the domain name in the next three years?

2. Internet + New Infrastructure

Since 2023, we've noticed significant changes in our living environment. Real estate is no longer one of the three major drivers of the economy, and it's been replaced by the government's strong promotion of "new infrastructure." New infrastructure refers to the widespread adoption of technologies such as smart homes, the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G. These emerging industries will generate new applications and products that will need corresponding domain names to support them.

Talk about the growth point of the domain name in the next three years?

3. Brand Protection

With the growing threat of cybercrime and intensified brand competition, companies may intensify their efforts to protect their brand names and trademarks. This could lead to increased domain registrations and purchases.

It's important to note that the domain market is a constantly changing field. Future growth points may be influenced by technological trends, market demand, and policy changes. Therefore, successful domain investors and users need to closely monitor these developments to seize opportunities.

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Talk about the growth point of the domain name in the next three years?