Newcomer to the domain name:take less detours!Don't make these three mistakes!

Investment 11 Sep 2023 03:45:44 PM By:DN domain name editor

Many "domainers" aspire to gain more investment experience and skills. However, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to become a better investor. Sometimes, avoiding common pitfalls is more important than anything else.

Many "domainers" aspire to gain more investment experience and skills. However, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to become a better investor. Sometimes, avoiding common pitfalls is more important than anything else.

Newcomers entering the domain investment field often ask a question: "What mistakes should I avoid or what should I pay the most attention to?" While some may think buying and selling domain names is easy, it is, in fact, one of the most complex forms of investment. The potential is promising, and the market is vast, but most investors fail to achieve their goals because they make early missteps.

If you're a newcomer to the domain market and want to start your domain investment career on the right foot, it's best to avoid the following three pitfalls.

Newcomer to the domain name:take less detours!Don't make these three mistakes!

1. Playing Hand-Registered Domains Only, Neglecting Acquisitions:

Many newcomers in domain investing start this way. Typically, you enter the domain investment field, find many domains available for sale, and get excited. You register domains you like and list them on trading platforms. However, almost none of them sell in the end.

In reality, you may not understand the market's demand, and you are unaware of what investors and end-users want in a domain. You might naively assume that something you came up with out of thin air can fetch a high price. While a few hand-registered domains by newcomers might sell for a decent price, it's exceedingly rare in today's domain market. It's essential to learn more about market demand and what end-users need, rather than clinging to the dream of "originality."

2. Ignoring Market Trends, Setting Unrealistically High Domain Prices:

After registering and letting go of many "tuition fee domains," you'll learn to acquire some domains in the market. These domains might be better than what you previously had, possibly costing you thousands of dollars. You may wish to sell them at a premium, hoping for six-figure sales. However, this is often wishful thinking.

While domain industry experts can set their prices as they please, as a newcomer, you cannot. Your goal should be to make money with domains, facilitate domain transactions, and ensure cash flow.

Newcomer to the domain name:take less detours!Don't make these three mistakes!

3. Easily Trusting Domain Forums or Community Advice:

Sticking to your own judgment should be common sense for investors. Unfortunately, many newcomers fail to do so. It's not that domain forums or communities are bad; they are undoubtedly excellent places for domainers to exchange ideas. The problem is that you might not know the background of many individuals offering advice or opinions in these forums and communities.

Investment advice and experiences are easy to give, but the advice and experience you should truly trust come from those with firsthand knowledge and practical experience. When you engage in domain forums or communities and face various suggestions and comments, you need to do your "homework" by researching the credibility of the individuals giving advice, making sure they aren't just speaking without substance.

In conclusion, choosing the right path in domain investment is crucial for success. Avoiding these common pitfalls—over-relying on hand-registered domains, setting unrealistic prices, and blindly following advice—can help new domain investors achieve their goals more effectively.

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Newcomer to the domain name:take less detours!Don't make these three mistakes!