LEGO Brand Successfully Wins Domain Name Vesting Rights

Industry Information 25 Jul 2024 10:58:22 AM By:DN platform editor

In the latest domain name dispute resolution case, LEGO Juris A/S has successfully transferred ownership of the disputed domain name to itself. The case was handled by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

In the latest domain name dispute resolution case, LEGO Juris A/S has successfully transferred ownership of the disputed domain name to itself. The case was handled by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIMC) and the decision was rendered on July 10, 2024 by adjudication expert Adam Taylor.

LEGO Juris A/S is a Danish toy company known worldwide for its LEGO construction toys and related products. The company claims that the disputed domain name infringes on its rights to the registered LEGO trademark.

LEGO Brand Successfully Wins Domain Name Vesting Rights

LEGO official website:

The disputed domain name was registered on January 26, 2024 under the .box top-level domain name, purportedly by Paul Gauvreau; however, Gauvreau claims to be merely an officer of the domain name reseller, 3DNS, and not the actual owner of the disputed domain name. In fact, the disputed domain name was later assigned to Androux Reabow of the United Kingdom.

During the arbitration process, LEGO presented multiple pieces of evidence demonstrating the likelihood of confusion between and its famous trademark, and noted that Respondent had failed to demonstrate a legitimate interest or right in the domain name. Despite the Respondent's attempts to argue its knowledge of the domain name through the context of the NFT and Web3, the Panel firmly upheld the Complainant's claims.

The final decision determines that the domain name is to be transferred to LEGO Juris A/S as the Complainant's legal title. In the meantime, the Respondent received a refund from the registrar for the purchase of other available domain names.

This case highlights the legal and commercial challenges in domain name registration and intellectual property protection, especially where globally recognized brands such as LEGO are involved. The Panel's decision reflects the stringent requirements for trademark protection and fair use to ensure fair competition and the protection of consumer rights.

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LEGO Brand Successfully Wins Domain Name Vesting Rights