The Difference and Risk Analysis between PUSH and Bite Size in Domain Name Trading

knowledge 28 Jun 2024 09:34:10 AM By:DN domain name editor

PUSH is a special form of domain name transaction, which is operated through a platform recognized by both parties. Specifically, the seller transfers the domain name to one of the specified buyers and clearly fills in the transfer price,

PUSH and one-bite price in domain name buying and selling are two different transaction methods, and their main differences are as follows:

1、PUSH(PUSH with price):

PUSH is a special form of domain name transaction, which is operated through a platform recognized by both parties. Specifically, the seller will transfer the domain name to one of the specified buyers, and clearly fill in the transfer price, when the buyer successfully receives and pays the transfer amount, the domain name can be realized to the buyer, the amount of money transferred to the seller process, to complete the point-to-point domain name transaction closed loop.

2、The advantage of PUSH transaction is:

It not only ensures the security of both sides of the transaction, but also minimizes the handling fee. Because you don't need to pay the trading platform service fee like ordinary trading intermediaries, the operation is simple and fast, within a few minutes you can easily complete the transaction, so widely welcomed by both sides of the domain name transaction.

The Difference and Risk Analysis between PUSH and Bite Size in Domain Name Trading

3. One-bite price:

One-bite price refers to the seller to set a fixed price for the sale of domain names. If the buyer recognizes this price, he can directly buy the domain name without bargaining or bidding process.

Features of a one-bite deal include:

-Price clarity: buyers know exactly how much the domain name will sell for from the beginning, the price is clear and transparent.

-Fast transaction: The negotiation process is eliminated and processing speed is usually faster.

However, there are some limitations to one-bite transactions, such as lower price flexibility, sellers may not be able to obtain a higher value, and buyers are also difficult to negotiate for possible discounts or concessions.

The Difference and Risk Analysis between PUSH and Bite Size in Domain Name Trading

4. Which is riskier, PUSH or one-bite price?

Comparatively speaking, PUSH may be slightly more risky. In the PUSH transaction, since it is a direct negotiation and operation between the two parties, if you are not familiar enough with the rules of the trading platform or do not know enough about the reputation of the other party, there may be a certain risk of fraud.

The Difference and Risk Analysis between PUSH and Bite Size in Domain Name Trading

For example, the buyer may not pay for the domain after receiving it, or there are some hidden problems with the domain provided by the seller. The risk of one-bite transaction is relatively small, because the price is fixed and clear, and the transaction process is relatively standardized. However, there may be cases where the seller inaccurately assesses the value of the domain name, resulting in a low sale price, or the buyer misjudges the value of the domain name and buys it at a high price.

Overall, PUSH focuses more on direct negotiation and quick transaction between the two parties, while Bite Size offers a clear and fixed price to complete the transaction easily and quickly. The choice depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the buyer and seller. When conducting a domain name transaction, both parties are advised to carefully understand the rules and processes of the relevant platform to ensure a safe and smooth transaction.

At the same time, it is also important to guard against possible risks, such as the legality and ownership of the domain name.

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The Difference and Risk Analysis between PUSH and Bite Size in Domain Name Trading