
.me is the official country domain(ccTLD)from Montenegro.View related Domain names>>

Montenegro’s official domain name is .me.
It's also great for personal websites and blogs, since ME is used to refer to oneself.
In a blog, you can share ideas, photos, and general information that interests you with the world.
With a .me domain name, you can register a unique online address that shows who you are.
.me is synonymous with self-expression and microblogging.
Be proud of your personality.
There are no restrictions on the .me ccTLD and any individual or company can acquire it.

.me Domain name encyclopedia

What is a .me Europe Montenegro domain name?

.me is a global international top-level domain name with exactly the same properties, functions and registration principles as .COM, .NET and .ORG (suitable for individuals and organizations to apply). ME is the abbreviation of the English "me" (my domain name). The meaning is clear and simple to remember.
At present, the .ME domain name is rich in resources and has huge commercial potential, and users do not need to install additional software. As a global top-level domain name, it is easier for people to identify and remember. It has been widely recognized and accepted by the new generation of Internet users.

Why choose .me Europe Montenegro domain name?

The .ME domain name is the national domain name of Montenegro (formerly translated as "Montenegro"), a country in southwestern Yugoslavia.
Me is me! As the world's latest top-level domain name, Me shows your true self, reflects the people-oriented corporate connotation, and displays rich creativity in various combinations;
Not only for individuals, but also the latest choice for enterprises!
Show yourself, be honored, and let Me become your online business card;
・Put people first, be close to customers, and let your company and products reach users’ hearts directly;
・Company name, family name, let Me connect us together; Love.Me (love me), Qiu.Me (fans)...let Me ignite new entrepreneurial opportunities for you;
Abundant resources and various creative ideas are not afraid of not being able to get enough, just afraid of being unexpected; .Me represents "I" and belongs to you.

How many years can a .me domain name be registered for?

.me Europe Montenegro domain names can be registered for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How many years can a .me domain name be renewed at one time?

The .me Europe Montenegro domain name can be renewed for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How to modify .me domain name DNS (domain name server)?

When you decide to sell your .me domain name on the DN.COM global high-quality domain name trading platform, modify the DNS settings on a voluntary basis. To modify the DNS: the withdrawal fee will be charged at 3-9%, and if it is not modified, it will be charged at 12%.
The following is a simple step-by-step process to modify the DNS of your .me domain name:
1. Log in to your .me domain name registrar account and find the .me domain name management page.
2. Find the .me domain name DNS server settings, and set the DNS value of your .me domain name to ns1.dn.com and ns2.dn.com.
3. DNS takes effect within 24-72 hours, please wait patiently. If it exceeds the time, you can contact customer service.
4. List your .me domain names for sale individually or in batches on the DN.COM platform.
Note: Once the DNS record of the .me domain name takes effect, your .me domain name will have free traffic support.
Note that different .me domain registrars may have different interfaces, but generally offer similar options.

Basic Information

  • .me
  • 2
  • montenegro
  • country / region
  • Montenegro domain name
  • .me is the official country domain(ccTLD)from Montenegro.

Domain Name Management Organization/Company

  • Government of Montenegro
  • whois.nic.me
  • Rimski trg 46 Podgorica 81000 Montenegro

Contact Information

  • Government of Montenegro
  • +382 67 313 222
  • +bozok@ac.me
  • University of Montenegro,Faculty of Electrical Engineering Džordža Vašingtona bb Podgorica 81000 Montenegro

Technical Support

  • Government of Montenegro
  • +382 20 414 290
  • tldtech@ac.me
  • Center of Information System(CIS)University of Montenegro Cetinjski put 2 Podgorica 81000 Montenegro