
.jp is the official country domain(ccTLD)from Japan.View related Domain names>>

The official domain that belongs to Japan is .jp. The domain is administered by Japan Registry Services or JPRS.
There are currently more than 1.6 million registered .jp domains, of which about 90,000 are Japanese character domains, also called IDN.
91% of the population are Internet users, which is equal to 116 million people. It is important to take this into account when choosing a domain that fits what we want. With a ccTLD .jp domain we can position our brand locally more easily on the web.

.jp Domain name encyclopedia

What is a .jp Asia Japan domain name?


Why choose .jp Asia Japan domain name?

The .jp domain name is Japan's country domain name. The .jp domain name is very popular locally. If you need to start an Internet online business locally, registering a .jp domain name is very advantageous.
It can be seen from the country-specific domain names of each country that most countries only recognize their own country-specific domain names, and the .jp domain name is no exception. If they browse an online business website, they will give priority to business websites with Japanese local domain names. This can Let them believe that your business is real in Japan.

How many years can a .jp domain name be registered for?

.jp Asia Japan domain names can be registered for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How many years can a .jp domain name be renewed at one time?

The .jp Asia Japan domain name can be renewed for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How to modify .jp domain name DNS (domain name server)?

When you decide to sell your .jp domain name on the DN.COM global high-quality domain name trading platform, modify the DNS settings on a voluntary basis. To modify the DNS: the withdrawal fee will be charged at 3-9%, and if it is not modified, it will be charged at 12%.
The following is a simple step-by-step process to modify the DNS of your .jp domain name:
1. Log in to your .jp domain name registrar account and find the .jp domain name management page.
2. Find the .jp domain name DNS server settings, and set the DNS value of your .jp domain name to ns1.dn.com and ns2.dn.com.
3. DNS takes effect within 24-72 hours, please wait patiently. If it exceeds the time, you can contact customer service.
4. List your .jp domain names for sale individually or in batches on the DN.COM platform.
Note: Once the DNS record of the .jp domain name takes effect, your .jp domain name will have free traffic support.
Note that different .jp domain registrars may have different interfaces, but generally offer similar options.

Basic Information

  • .jp
  • 2
  • japan
  • country / region
  • Japanese domain name
  • .jp is the official country domain(ccTLD)from Japan.

Domain Name Management Organization/Company

  • Japan Registry Services Co.,Ltd.
  • whois.jprs.jp
  • Chiyoda First Bldg. East 13F 3-8-1 Nishi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0065 Japan

Contact Information

  • Japan Registry Services Co.,Ltd.
  • +81 3 5215 8451
  • +higashida@jprs.co.jp
  • Japan Registry Services Co.,Ltd. Chiyoda First Bldg. East 13F 3-8-1 Nishi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0065 Japan

Technical Support

  • Japan Registry Services Co.,Ltd.
  • +81 3 5215 8480
  • tech-admin@jprs.jp
  • Japan Registry Services Co.,Ltd. Chiyoda First Bldg. East 13F 3-8-1 Nishi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0065 Japan