
.eu is the official country domain(ccTLD)from European Union.View related Domain names>>

.eu domains are officially considered as "Your European Identity", it is therefore the official domain of the European Union.

Initially these domains were restricted to citizens residing in the European Union, but since October 19th, 2019 any citizen of the European Union can register a .EU domain, regardless of his/her current country of residence.
Although the talks started in 1999, .EU domains were launched to the general public on April 7, 2006, that same day more than one million domains were registered.
During the last years EURid, the entity that manages these domains, has added new functionalities, such as IDN domains (December 2009), DNSSEC (June 2010) or the launch of .eu domains in Cyrillic (.ею) or Greek (.ευ).

.eu Domain name encyclopedia

What is a .eu Europe Belgium domain name?

.eu is an EU domain name, a distinctive European logo. It is a global top-level domain name on the same level as .com and .org.

Why choose .eu Europe Belgium domain name?

The .EU domain name is an EU top-level domain name service provided by the eurid registry (a non-profit organization). With the advancement of the European integration process, things with EU colors are also constantly emerging. Owning a .EU domain name is tantamount to having a business card to enter the entire European market. Only enterprises, groups and institutions with branches, divisions and branches in EU member states, as well as people living in the EU, can register this domain name.

How many years can a .eu domain name be registered for?

.eu Europe Belgium domain names can be registered for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How many years can a .eu domain name be renewed at one time?

The .eu Europe Belgium domain name can be renewed for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How to modify .eu domain name DNS (domain name server)?

When you decide to sell your .eu domain name on the DN.COM global high-quality domain name trading platform, modify the DNS settings on a voluntary basis. To modify the DNS: the withdrawal fee will be charged at 3-9%, and if it is not modified, it will be charged at 12%.
The following is a simple step-by-step process to modify the DNS of your .eu domain name:
1. Log in to your .eu domain name registrar account and find the .eu domain name management page.
2. Find the .eu domain name DNS server settings, and set the DNS value of your .eu domain name to ns1.dn.com and ns2.dn.com.
3. DNS takes effect within 24-72 hours, please wait patiently. If it exceeds the time, you can contact customer service.
4. List your .eu domain names for sale individually or in batches on the DN.COM platform.
Note: Once the DNS record of the .eu domain name takes effect, your .eu domain name will have free traffic support.
Note that different .eu domain registrars may have different interfaces, but generally offer similar options.

Basic Information

  • .eu
  • 2
  • belgium
  • country / region
  • EU domain name
  • .eu is the official country domain(ccTLD)from European Union.

Domain Name Management Organization/Company

  • EURid vzw/asbl
  • whois.eu
  • Telecomlaan 9 Diegem 1831 Belgium

Contact Information

  • EURid vzw/asbl
  • +32 2 401 27 50
  • +domain-admin@eurid.eu
  • EURid vzw Telecomlaan 9 Diegem 1831 Belgium

Technical Support

  • EURid vzw/asbl
  • +32 2 401 27 50
  • domain-tech@eurid.eu
  • EURid vzw Telecomlaan 9 Diegem 1831 Belgium