
.am is the official country domain(ccTLD)from Armenia.View related Domain names>>

The .am domain belongs to Armenia, which is located between Europe and Asia. Its management is carried out by amnic.net. However, the AM syllable in this domain is attractive for online radio services.
Armenia is in the category of the most liberal countries, it is the most economically free of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Where the use of Internet is important since approximately 70% of the population are connected in the network.
The ccTLD .am of Armenia will allow you to position yourself locally and acquire a greater reach in this market. Radio stations may have a website that identifies the purpose of their service.

.am Domain name encyclopedia

What is a .am Asia Armenia domain name?

.am is the national domain name of Armenia, which can also be understood as the radio domain name.
The .am domain name is the top-level domain name of Armenia. Due to the popularity and influence of broadcasting, the .fm domain name is widely used in various radio and television websites.

Why choose .am Asia Armenia domain name?

The .am domain name is the ccTLD for the Republic of Armenia, which has a modern industrial sector that provides machine tools, textiles and other manufactured goods in exchange for funds.
If you are an individual, business or organization located in Armenia or want to connect with the country, then the .am domain name is your best choice.
In addition to this, .am domain names are also popular with US AM radio stations and online streaming companies.
Short, professional, and memorable, a .am domain name can help your website stand out among the sea of content and showcase your connection to Armenian culture. Registration of .am domain names is open to everyone without any restrictions.
Plus, since the .am domain name is a new top-level domain, it has more domain name availability, so you can find and register the .am domain name you really want.

How many years can a .am domain name be registered for?

.am Asia Armenia domain names can be registered for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How many years can a .am domain name be renewed at one time?

The .am Asia Armenia domain name can be renewed for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years.

How to modify .am domain name DNS (domain name server)?

When you decide to sell your .am domain name on the DN.COM global high-quality domain name trading platform, modify the DNS settings on a voluntary basis. To modify the DNS: the withdrawal fee will be charged at 3-9%, and if it is not modified, it will be charged at 12%.
The following is a simple step-by-step process to modify the DNS of your .am domain name:
1. Log in to your .am domain name registrar account and find the .am domain name management page.
2. Find the .am domain name DNS server settings, and set the DNS value of your .am domain name to ns1.dn.com and ns2.dn.com.
3. DNS takes effect within 24-72 hours, please wait patiently. If it exceeds the time, you can contact customer service.
4. List your .am domain names for sale individually or in batches on the DN.COM platform.
Note: Once the DNS record of the .am domain name takes effect, your .am domain name will have free traffic support.
Note that different .am domain registrars may have different interfaces, but generally offer similar options.

Basic Information

  • .am
  • 2
  • armenia
  • country / region
  • Armenia domain name
  • .am is the official country domain(ccTLD)from Armenia.

Domain Name Management Organization/Company

  • "Internet Society" Non-governmental Organization
  • whois.amnic.net
  • 17 A.Khachaturyan str. #3 Yerevan 0012 Armenia

Contact Information

  • "Internet Society" Non-governmental Organization
  • +374 91 415539
  • +imkrtumyan@isoc.am
  • "Internet Society" Non-governmental Organization 17 A.Khachaturyan str. #3 Yerevan 0012 Armenia

Technical Support

  • "Internet Society" Non-governmental Organization
  • +374 93 199840
  • misak@amnic.net
  • "Internet Society" Non-governmental Organization 17 A.Khachaturyan str. #3 Yerevan 0012 Armenia