Aston Martin wins .ai domain from misguided domain registrant

Industry Information 06 Mar 2024 11:45:55 AM By:DN domain name editor

Aston Martin has successfully won a cybersquatting claim over the domain name. The registrant defended the claim, arguing that its registration was not intended to disrupt Aston Martin's business operations and appealed

As Aston Martin wins lawsuit for, strong response falls flat.

Aston Martin wins domain name grab claim against registrant. Contributed image by Aston Martin.

Registering and listing it for sale would certainly qualify if a clear case of domain name squatting existed.

But that didn't stop the person who registered the domain name from mounting an aggressive defence when Aston Martin filed a lawsuit against him.

Firstly, the registrant argued that the carmaker had no trademark in Anguilla, the country where .ai is located.

Aston Martin wins .ai domain from misguided domain registrant

The registrant also argued that Aston Martin should attempt to resolve the case without filing a domain name squatting dispute:

...... Complainant has blatantly avoided any attempt at an amicable resolution, caught Respondent off guard with baseless claims, and maliciously attempted to seize control of a domain name to which it has no legal rights under this Policy. This Machiavellian ploy clearly demonstrates the Complainant's nefarious intent to harass and intimidate the Respondent through improper means.

Respondent makes a number of "strong" claims, including:

-Complainant's assertion that it is confusing or misleading consumers is completely unfounded and without any basis in fact

-The Disputed Domain Name was not registered with the intention of disrupting the Complainant's business operations. Such allegations are tantamount to maligning the character of the Respondent and are therefore categorically refuted.

Well, I'll give their lawyers an A for violent language.

Unsurprisingly, the panelist ruled in favour of Aston Martin and ordered the transfer of the domain name.

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Aston Martin wins .ai domain from misguided domain registrant