What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

Industry Information 23 Dec 2023 05:45:15 PM By:DN editor

Many companies have joined the movement to register .AI domain names and other new domains. Some are actively leveraging these to connect with their audience or engage in e-commerce, while others are looking towards the future and holding

However, everything has its two sides, and .AI domain names are no exception. They are not all advantages; there are also quite a few disadvantages. We need to accept them based on knowing their drawbacks, and that's true love.

Like many companies, your company may be considering registering a domain name in the .AI domain. But it's not always straightforward. We love new, shiny things, especially in the field of technology.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

I. What are the drawbacks of .AI domain names?

Well, there are several reasons why .AI may not be suitable for you. It's time for some tough love.

1. Website Traffic

Most internet users, when trying to guess a website address, simply type the brand and add .COM at the end. If they hear (from friends, in broadcasts) that the brand doesn't have a .AI domain at the end, this situation may arise. So, using a .AI domain, you won't get overflow/reward traffic.

What's worse is that another company may register the same second-level domain as .COM. This means your potential customers will end up visiting another company's website. Most likely, it's a website owned by one of your competitors.

Imagine helping your competitor increase website traffic and conversion rates through your marketing efforts. Avoiding this situation by delivering clear and consistent brand information across all marketing channels is essential. A simple solution (if applicable) is to include .AI as part of your brand name. A successful example is copy.ai—a tool for generating copies using artificial intelligence. Their Twitter account and profile photos clearly include the domain, so readers never have to guess.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

Copy.ai is a brand popular among marketers, doing an excellent job of incorporating .AI into their brand and marketing.

2. They're Cheaper, but Not Necessarily Cheap

Registering a new .AI domain will cost about $100 per year, and .AI domains must be registered for at least two years. This is quite expensive compared to the $8 to $14 per year you pay for .COM, .NET, or .ORG domains.

Buying already registered .AI domains may be as expensive as any premium .COM or other domains. As with most things related to the internet, it depends on how high or low the demand is for a specific name.

II. Which Major Companies Own .AI Domains?

Many companies have joined the movement to register .AI domains and other new domains. Some are actively using them to connect with audiences or for e-commerce, while others are holding onto them for the future.

Even if you're not familiar with these companies with .AI top-level domains (TLDs), you may recognize many of them.

- Facebook.ai: As one of the world's largest companies, Facebook hosts all its products and applications related to machine learning and artificial intelligence in this domain.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

- Deeplearning.ai: This company teaches all knowledge about machine learning. The .AI domain enhances the credibility of DeepLearning in search engines and among visitors.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

- Autonomous.ai: They focus on the cornerstone of any tech-savvy employee—office desks and chairs. Autonomous offers various electric smart office desks and home office solutions. Owning .AI domains helps them connect with their target customers.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

- Uber.ai: Redirects this domain to its main site.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

- Notebook.ai: Provides intuitive planning software for creative professionals such as writers and designers.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

- Zoom.ai: Used by the web conferencing and scheduling platform.

What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name

Despite .AI domain names having some drawbacks, they haven't reached a fatal level. Therefore, many major companies still actively own a large number of .AI domains. This indicates optimism about their unique features and potential value, and a willingness to invest in their development. With continued focus on artificial intelligence and innovative technologies, this trend is expected to continue growing.

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What are the disadvantages of .AI domain names? Top 6 Big Companies for .AI domain name