turns into Oxley to consolidate Oxley high-quality domain name lineup

Industry Information 08 Nov 2023 03:33:05 PM By:DN platform editor

According to foreign media platforms, recently, was acquired by domain investor Brent Oxley and became one of the high -quality domain names in the Oxley investment portfolio. According to Mr. Furdyk,

According to foreign media platforms, recently, was acquired by domain investor Brent Oxley and became one of the high -quality domain names in the Oxley investment portfolio. According to Mr. Furdyk, a well -known domestic domain name industry,'s transaction amount has reached a six -digit dollar, and this acquisition includes the domain name into the Brent Oxley name. At present, the domain name is re -to, and the Oxley platform is also a professional domain name service.

Another domain name is also undergoing the procedures for ownership transfer, which is completed through another sales, but the specific details of this acquisition have not yet been announced. turns into Oxley to consolidate Oxley high-quality domain name lineup

Brent Oxley maintains a series of super high -quality domain name investment portfolios by negotiating pure acquisitions. The domain name was registered in April 1995, and "BIRTH" means "birth and birth".

The domain name "" can be applied to a variety of industries and uses, depending on the positioning and content of specific websites. Here are some industries and fields. You can consider using "": turns into Oxley to consolidate Oxley high-quality domain name lineup

1. Pregnant and baby care: Websites can provide content during pregnancy health care, preschool care, baby care guidelines, parenting experience sharing, etc.

2. Fertility and reproductive health: information and resources of fertility, reproductive health, infertility, reproductive science and technology.

3. Education: Discuss the theme of life, biology, birth and growth. It can be an educational resource platform for academic websites or students, teachers, and parents.

4. Medical care: Regarding medical health information such as delivery, obstetrics, newborns care, etc., it can also be a website of hospitals or clinics.

5. Family life and family life: family life guide for family relationships, family life, parent -child interaction, parenting skills and other content.

6. Community and support: Provide community platforms that support pregnant women, new parents, families or people who lose their children.

7. Children's products and services: It can be an e -commerce platform that sells baby products, maternal and infant supplies or provides related services.

8. Psychological health: explore the origin of life, meaning of life, family mental health, psychology and child mental health.

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