The darling of the era of the domain name, the future trend!

Industry Information 08 Oct 2023 05:06:29 PM By:DN editor

.AI domains have been exceptionally popular since the release of ChatGPT. The small island nation of Anguilla has earned $30 million in one year from AI domains. As we enter the AI era, .AI domains have become the undisputed gateway

In the early days of the PC era in the last century, .com domains were truly groundbreaking. Since the birth of the world's first ".com" top-level domain in 1985, this end-user application service, tethered to computers and Internet technology, has had an unprecedented impact, unleashing wave after wave of Internet revolutions.

However, things have changed since the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. The situation shifted, and the .ai domain of the small island nation of Anguilla suddenly surged in popularity. "AI" can stand for both "Artificial Intelligence" and "Anguilla," and this dual meaning has contributed to its newfound popularity.

The darling of the era of the domain name, the future trend!

1. Difference between gTLD and ccTLD:

gTLD (Generic Top-Level Domain): gTLDs are generic top-level domains that are typically not associated with specific countries or regions. They can be used globally and include domain extensions like .com, .org, .net, .info, .biz, .xyz, and more. Each gTLD may have specific registration requirements, but they are generally available for registration and use by individuals and organizations worldwide.

ccTLD (Country Code Top-Level Domain)**: ccTLDs are country or region code top-level domains that are associated with specific countries or regions. Each country or region has its own ccTLD, such as .us (United States), .uk (United Kingdom), .de (Germany), and so on. ccTLDs are typically managed by the respective countries or regions and may have specific registration requirements, such as the need to have a physical presence or residence in that country or region.

2. The Popularity of .AI Domains:

.AI domains became highly popular starting from November 30, 2022, due to the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. Since then, various technology companies have been competing to acquire .AI domains. This includes companies like Stable Diffusion's parent company, Elon Musk's, and Tech giants have also set up their own AI-related pages, such as,, and

Today, the AI (Artificial Intelligence) era resembles the early stages of the PC era in the last century. The rise of various forms of artificial intelligence, AI robots building houses, AI robots playing Go, AI intelligent algorithms, and the recent popularity of ChatGPT are all representative of the AI intelligence era.

As we enter the AI era, where everything is connected with intelligence, .AI domains are poised to surpass .COM and become the undisputed gateway to traffic in the new era.

The darling of the era of the domain name, the future trend!

3. .AI Domain - A Darling in the Domain Investment Circle:

In recent years, whether it's ChatGPT, AI-powered cars, AI-driven ordering systems, domains like by Li Fu Kai, or the recent record-breaking sale of, all confirm the popularity of .AI domains.

While some may think that .AI domains have only recently gained attention, they have been coveted by savvy investors in the domain market for quite some time. With the prolonged development of AI intelligence, which is expected to continue for the next 10 to 20 years, there will always be wealthy individuals who, even if their desired domain is already registered, can acquire it at a high price.

Baidu CEO Robin Li once publicly stated that the internet is just an appetizer, and AI is the main course. In hindsight, this statement holds true.

This also explains why companies like Google, Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz (Daimler) have already secured brand domains like,, and Domestically, Huawei and have acquired and domains. As for individual investors, Li Fu Kai's and B21 Capital's domains are notable examples. It's evident that giants in the AI battle have sensed the winds of change.

4. Significant Growth in .AI Domain Transactions:

In September alone, there were over 10 publicly traded .AI domains, not including undisclosed data. Examples include, sold for $52,500 (approximately 380,000 RMB), and, sold for $45,000 (approximately 328,000 RMB). The future of artificial intelligence is one of the most promising industries, and .AI domains are highly sought after. Investing in AI domains is an excellent way to capitalize on this trend. Currently available .AI domains include,,,,, and many more.The darling of the era of the domain name, the future trend!

.AI domains have tremendous potential in the future. With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technology, .AI domains have become a symbol of the internet related to this field, representing innovation, intelligence, and the future.

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The darling of the era of the domain name, the future trend!