Good domain names have been registered, how to choose the right domain name?

Industry Information 26 Sep 2023 11:56:19 AM By:DN platform editor

A domain name serves as a website's address, making it the first impression people have when they enter the online world. Users associate your domain name with the type of website it represents, its prominent theme,

A domain name serves as a website's address, making it the first impression people have when they enter the online world. Users associate your domain name with the type of website it represents, its prominent theme, the industry it belongs to, and its geographic location. Since the registration of the first domain name over 30 years ago, many valuable .com domains, especially short ones, have already been taken. For newcomers looking to establish a website, what can they do? In fact, there are several unique strategies. Here, we summarize six key principles:

Good domain names have been registered, how to choose the right domain name?

1. Noun Prefixing Method

When looking for an English domain name that is a noun, consider adding articles (this, that, these, those, a, the, etc.), adjectives or adverbs (good, fine, cute, great, so, etc.), possessive pronouns (my, our, your, etc.), prepositions (to, in, on, about, etc.), verbs (go, get, buy, find, etc.). More recently, it has become popular to add prefixes like E, I, IT, online, etc., to imply electronic, informational, or online connotations. For example, if "" is already registered, you could consider alternatives like "," "," "," and so on.

2. Adjective Comparative Method

If you're seeking an English domain name that's an adjective, think about using the comparative or superlative form of that adjective, or add an article. For instance, if "" is taken, you could consider "," "" If "" is unavailable, you might explore options like "" or "" Although these options may be longer, they remain clear in meaning and can still be excellent domain names.

3. Homophonic Method

Utilize homophones of letters and numbers to create domain names through combinations. You can even consider using all numbers for your domain name. For example, "" and "" utilize the Chinese sensitivity to numbers with homophonic meanings. "" is named after a radio station's channel and stands out memorably, combining the website name with the radio channel. Other examples include "," "," "," and so forth.

Good domain names have been registered, how to choose the right domain name?

4. Corporate name plus industry words

The name of the corporate website plus the short -term and the English of its own industry. Although the name is long, the person who can see your website quickly know your industry. If is registered, and your company is operating this business again, it can be composed of your name yourname and car. It is equally stylish and clear.

5. phrase or short sentence

Register a phrase or short sentence. The vocabulary of English or Chinese Pinyin is not registered. You may wish to register the English or Chinese statement domain name, but keep in mind that this method must be clear! For example, Microsoft's popular how-out-re-d.

6. Replace the domain name suffix

Register the domain name of other languages, such as hungry, register ELE.ME. At present, the latest multi -language domain name analysis department provides more domain name investment opportunities. Such as registering Chinese domain names, such as Peking University. URL,, etc.

If you cannot register to your favorite domain name, you can also consider obtaining the ideal domain name by buying. So how to judge the value of the domain name when buying a domain name?

If the domain name is not easy to understand, it is not easy to remember, and please do it, that is, after the explanation, it is not clear, it is troublesome. If such domain names want to play a brand, it will cost a lot. Sometimes the domain name of the kung fu design and even spend money to buy the domain name, but it can be a lot of money and time in the future brand province.

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Good domain names have been registered, how to choose the right domain name?