The 10 most valuable domain names in the world,starting from 100,000,000!

Industry Information 06 Sep 2023 02:12:06 PM By:DN domain name editor

Domain assets are of paramount importance in the internet era, with rarer domains holding higher value. From a corporate perspective, domain names that represent brand uniqueness, specific industries, or short domain names in limited supply

Domain assets are of paramount importance in the internet era, with rarer domains holding higher value. From a corporate perspective, domain names that represent brand uniqueness, specific industries, or short domain names in limited supply often possess undeniable value attributes.

In the publicly available domain sales records, we can gain insights into the development of the domain market over the years. Here's a list of ten domain names in the history of domain trading that have surpassed a hundred million in value.

The 10 most valuable domain names in the world,starting from 100,000,000!


Registered in 1998, the domain signifies "cars," making it arguably the best domain for the automotive industry. In October 2014, Gannett Co., Inc. acquired the remaining 73% stake of the American automotive website for $1.83 billion. The valuation of just the "" domain reached $872 million, equivalent to approximately 5.5 billion Chinese Yuan.


Registered in 1997, this domain corresponds to one of the four major gambling destinations, "Las Vegas," making it perfect for the casino industry. In 2005, acquired the domain for approximately $90 million (around 570 million Chinese Yuan) through a 35-year installment plan. It is now used for the official Las Vegas tourism website.


Registered in 1994, this domain carries the meaning of "insurance." In August 2010, the American online advertising company QuinStreet announced the acquisition of the domain for $36.5 million (about 2.5 billion Chinese Yuan). QuinStreet used a combination of cash, stock, and options for this purchase, and the domain is currently used for their auto insurance business website.


Registered in 1997, this domain signifies "vacation rentals." In 2007, Brian Sharples, the founder of the American vacation home rental website HomeAway, purchased it for $35 million (approximately 2.3 billion Chinese Yuan) to use for their vacation home rental platform. Visiting this domain now redirects to


Registered in August 1996, this domain was sold for a staggering $30.18 million (about 2.1 billion Chinese Yuan) in 2012. The literal translation of this domain into Chinese is "private jet." It remains unused for building a website.


Registered in 2001, this domain carries the meaning of "voice." The buyer, Block.One, paid $30 million in cash (about 2 billion Chinese Yuan) for the domain, making it one of the largest cash domain sales ever. The domain is currently used for a website called "Voice," which assists hearing-impaired individuals in speaking.


Registered in 2016, this domain signifies "chain" and is well-suited for the blockchain industry. In 2018, it was sold for 120 million Chinese Yuan and is currently in use as the "" website.


Registered in 2000, this domain was acquired by Qihoo 360 for $17 million (approximately 1.1 billion Chinese Yuan) from the foreign telecommunications operator Vodafone. It was a three-year negotiation process, during which Vodafone rejected a $14 million offer. Due to its perfect fit with Qihoo 360's brand, it's considered one of the best brand domains and eventually sold for $17 million.


Registered in 1998, this domain is straightforward, pointing directly to the gaming industry. In 2014, investor Xu Jun purchased from the renowned American toy company Hasbro for $3.4 million, despite Hasbro's initial offer of $100 million. In 2016, Xu Jun used as collateral for a $100 million investment in his new company. In 2017, officially launched as a gaming website.


Registered in 1995, this domain was recently acquired by the founder of and an investor in "SH" can signify "Shanghai," "life," and "petrochemical," but its most valuable interpretation is "Shanghai." It's a landmark domain corresponding to the city name Shanghai, which is the world's sixth-largest city, with a population of 24.24 million. It's also a leading city in the Yangtze River Delta region and a hub for economic and trade activities. This domain, being a two-letter domain, is extremely rare, with only 676 such domains globally. It's short, easy to remember, and internationally versatile, making it ideal for brand internationalization. carries the dual distinctions of being a two-letter domain and a city domain. Its value will continue to appreciate with the ongoing development of Shanghai as an international metropolis.

These high-value domains typically share characteristics such as being simple to remember, having clear meanings, and strong relevance to business or branding. Additionally, factors like pronunciation, word tone, and business considerations also play a significant role in determining domain prices.

Domains are the cornerstone of the internet age and offer not only trading and investment value but, more importantly, a reflection of a company's brand presence on the internet. For users, a good domain is like a golden signboard, enabling precise access to a website. For businesses, owning a high-quality domain that suits their brand and is short and memorable is an indispensable factor for growth and strength in the digital world.

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