.XYZ celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special half-cent edition!

Industry Information 25 May 2024 03:01:35 PM By:DN editor

The world's most controversial generic top-level domain (gTLD), .XYZ, celebrated its 10th anniversary on June 2nd. It was launched by XYZ.COMLLC on June 2, 2014 and quickly became popular, in part due to its broad applicability

The world's most controversial generic top-level domain (gTLD), .XYZ, celebrated its 10th anniversary on June 2nd.

It was launched on June 2, 2014 by XYZ.COMLLC and has quickly gained popularity, in part due to its broad applicability and promotion by a variety of tech companies and startups.XYZ.COMLLC is a registry operator founded by domain name investor and entrepreneur Daniel Negari.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of operating .XYZ, DanielNegari has announced the first 1/2 penny special!

.XYZ celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special half-cent edition!

"We're going to do even better than our first offer, now you can register 2 .XYZ domains for just pennies!" DanielNegari exclaimed.

"If you want to be a successful domain investor, then take advantage of this deal, register as many .XYZ domains as you can, tell your mom and uncle to spend at least $100 or more, and double your investment in no time!" Negari adds with a smile on his face.

Indeed, the .XYZ special pricing highlights Negari's business genius, leading to a surge in .XYZ domain name registrations.

Needless to say, offering 2 domains for pennies will eventually convince every domain investor to register at least 2 .XYZ domains!

Currently, the number of .XYZ domains stands at 3,895,000, down nearly 50% from the peak of 6,628,000 on September 20, 2016

Source: ntldstats

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.XYZ celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special half-cent edition!